What Our Carers Say

B was diagnosed with early stages of dementia. His family had noticed a rapid decline in his own general health and wellbeing and was struggling to cope with him at home

“Heads Up is always a cheerful, relaxed and supportive environment. We have had 4 years of happy Thursdays and have made some good friends”

Sue (Support Worker)

“Very many thanks for a lovely relaxing and enjoyable day at Ammerdown. I experienced my first proper massage – back, shoulders, neck – lovely!  Thanks everso.”  

Margaret D (Volunteer) October 2019

“It’s been quite hard for me -53 years is a lot of memories together, and they have been good ones. Dougie’s time at Heads Up was something he really looked forward to and I thank you one and all for your part in his happy time there.”

Mary (Wife / Carer) August 2019


B was diagnosed with early stages of dementia. His family had noticed a rapid decline in his own general health and wellbeing and was struggling to cope with him at home. B was usually a very active social person who enjoyed going out and taking part in family events. B came to Heads Up to have a look around with his daughter and son. He had looked at several other centres before, but on occasion had declined to attend.

B had a lot of insight into his illness, having previously experienced this within his working life and role. We felt at this stage it would be best to find an interest in an area that would keep him happy and fulfilled. He started attending the gardening and woodwork groups twice a week . His family began to see a great improvement with B’s mood, with more structure and interest in his week. He has tried new activities like Tai Chi and re-kindled old ones like pottery and made a lot of new friends since he started Heads Up.


“I would like to thank you and all the wonderful people at Heads Up. I don’t think you fully realise the impact you have on people’s lives. Not only do you provide a happy and helpful environment for our loved ones but you gave me time to relax and just ‘breathe’ for a few hours.”

Geoff Knight (Husband / Carer) May 2019

“How fortunate we are to have Heads Up in our area. As dementia progresses there are fewer places for the sufferers to go and feel comfortable. Heads Up is a great place to go, where staff are always cheery, accepting and helpful. There is an excellent variety of activities as well as the social interaction with the others. My husband is always reluctant to come home afterwards! As a carer the respite the sessions give is invaluable. Thank you so much.”

Wife / Carer

“My husband was diagnosed with Dementia earlier this year, he is in his 60’s. It was a total shock, and one we are still trying to come to terms with. My daughters live all over the country, so I am on my own trying to deal with the illness. The Heads Up Memories Workshops were recommended to me, at a time when I was at rock bottom. He started the workshops on a Friday, and it is amazing the help and support both he and I receive from the team. He is very happy to attend the classes and is always happy when I pick him up at the end of the session. He does various activities, which he enjoys. The team are incredible – welcoming, supportive, communicative and most important, they treat my husband with respect. Since he started the classes, it has given me some respite. The situation is still upsetting and difficult, but without the help from the Heads Up Team, I dread where things might be for both of us.”  

Wife / Carer

“Originally when my husband went to Heads Up on a Friday, it meant that as a carer the time from 10am until 2:30pm was mine. Usually to catch up on housework, as he doesn’t like me to put the hoover on when he is at home. He had lost all interest in drawing and painting. He used to sell his work. We have a studio in our garden, which he never uses. Heads Up gave him the encouragement to start drawing again, and have made prints of some of these drawings. This gave his confidence a tremendous boost and made him feel useful again. His concentration is bad so he doesn’t settle to reading or watching television. He wants to go out all the time to ‘mix with other people’ as he puts it. He cannot go out on his own, so I find this really trying as I cannot be with him all the time. He now goes to Heads Up on a Wednesday and Friday, which allows me some free time to do other things. He enjoys meeting with the other people there. His condition has deteriorated over the last year but I know that I do not need to worry about him on Wednesdays and Fridays as he is well looked after.”  

Wife / Carer

“My Mum has been going to the Dementia Workshops at Heads Up for some time now. I can’t believe how lucky we are to have this fantastic facility so close by. She always looks forward to going and when I pick her up I often observe her before she notices me and she always seems so content and involved in what is going on. My mum needs stimulation and this is what she gets, whether it is involvement in the kitchen, drawing, singing, dancing, and making things or just simply being allowed to be herself in this wonderful caring environment. The staff are so welcoming, loving and calm, they make each person feel special and valued. I can only think that this has to be the way forward for people with Dementia, so that they can continue to lead a fulfilled life as long as they can.”

Daughter / Carer

“My husband suffers from dementia so the creative course I attend gives me a break from caring and a chance to learn new skills.”

Wife / Carer

“This charity has, in a short time, made quite a difference to my wife and I. Her day care gives me a 4½ hour break where I can do what I can to catch up on my life. If she wasn’t there she would be needing constant attention from me and continually walking around our house in a depressed state. She is very happy all the time she is with groups of other people and she needs activities to keep her occupied. As soon as I went into “Heads Up” I was encouraged by the friendliness and love of all involved, so was very happy to place my wife in their care. I would like to think that she could go there even more days.”

Husband / Carer

“My partner has been going to Heads Up for several months now and it is extremely beneficial for him to have something to physically occupy himself with, and for me to know this, and that he’s in a safe environment. The added bonus is that I have much needed ‘time off’ for myself which I can greatly relish, and definitely need.”

Wife / Carer