Find Help Immediately

If you or someone you know is in urgent support in a crisis:
  • Crisis Safe Space - weekend and evening crisis provision across the county with Open Mental Health - Out-of-hours support for anyone who feels like they are really struggling with their mental health. You can refer yourself to the Crisis Safe Space by ringing Mindline 01823 276 892 or free phone 0800 138 1692 or emailing To find out more follow the link
  • Call 999
  • Go to the nearest Accident and Emergency department
  • If you are under the care of the Mendip Community Mental Health Team contact The Bridge 01749 836600
  • Samaritans 116 123  (24 hours) 24 hour confidential emotional support to those experiencing despair, distress or suicidal feelings
  • MIND Line Somerset  0800 138 1692 (freephone) or 01823 276892 (locally) 24/7 a local helpline for anyone who is experiencing emotional distress
  • Saneline 0300 304 7000  (4.30pm-10.30pm 7 days a week)